Thursday, March 20, 2014

Withdrawal and more anxiety

My general physician won't refill my anti nausea medication. He wants me to make an appointment to see him, even after I told him I don't have health insurance or a job. Also, would've been nice if he had told me sooner. Instead, I went to refill my meds with a full week left, figuring that gave him plenty of time to approve the refill request. Usually it does. But suddenly, he changed his mind. But the office didn't contact me. I finally called them to complain when I ran out of pills and they told me I need an appointment. They then also told me that the Dr isn't available till April.

So I've been going about 3 weeks now without my anti nausea meds, and I'm going insane. I was taking them once a day, and then again if needed. And I honestly didn't always need them that much. But now that I'm out, of course, I feel I need them every day. I can't eat a thing without feeling super sick afterwards. I am not sure how much longer I can handle this with my phobia. The panic attacks are back with a vengeance.

I'm also going through withdrawl from my anti depressants. Same situation, my psychiatrist didn't tell me that I would need an appointment to get more. You are NOT supposed to quit taking anti depressants cold turkey. You are supposed to be weaned off slowly. I was not, because I just ran out and no one would refill my pills. I don't have $150 to go see her for more. And I can feel my moods going all over the place. I also think perhaps my nausea may have a bit to do with this withdrawal too.

On the upside, I am in "in the system" and they "are processing" my paperwork for free health care. Though no one can actually tell me how long it'll take. It's already been two months since I sent the paperwork in...

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