I don't know why I didn't write about this before. I was busy I guess. And waiting to see what happened.
Almost 2 weeks ago, I saw my dr and he diagnosed me with fibromyalgia. It's something that you can't really test for. More like, after other things have been eliminated, they decided it could be fibro and we try some medication to see what happens.
Fibro can be responsible for my constant body aches, exaggerated pain response, chronic fatigue, migraines, sensitivity to light, sounds and smells, stomach issues (possibly even the constant nausea) and even depression.
In the beginning, the medication made me so sleepy and loopy. My head felt like it was disconnected from my body! But after a few days, that decreased. My energy levels went up. But so have the mood swings and weight gain! I've been warned these could be side effects. But I was of course hoping it wouldn't happen. I already struggle with my weight. The physical pain has been less.
Now on the second week of these pills, I think my body has adjusted more and the high energy I felt just a couple days ago is gone. I'm tired and achy. We may need to increase the dose (I'm currently on the lowest possible dose) but I worry about the weight gain and mood swings. I'm already bipolar, we don't need me getting even moodier!
It's been a tough diagnosis for a few reasons.
1 - Irvin is mad it's not something curable. It's treatable, but will be a life long thing with flare ups and set backs. He wanted me to get better now!
2 - My dr told me that I won't get disability for having fibro. I can't find a job that will work around my random days or hours or minutes of being well and then sick and then well again. But they won't give me benefits. I am angered that drug addicts and over obese get money from the government, but I can't.
3 - If this medicine works, I'll be really angry that I've spent the past 4 years miserable. Because another dr should've thought of this diagnosis at some point.
I don't see the dr again for a couple more weeks. To give me some more time to get used to the medication and see how I feel overall. Then we'll revisit the diagnosis and treatment plans.
I'll keep you updated as best I can :)
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